Terms of use
General Terms of use
These General Terms of Use (hereinafter “GTU”), subject to French law, shall govern the use of the site www.experisfrance.fr (hereinafter “the Site”) as well as all content, feature and service (hereinafter “Services”) accessible on the Site. Where applicable, some Services accessible through the Site may be subject to additional specific terms.
All use of the Site shall be considered to be done within French territory.
For the purposes herein, the expressions “you”, “your”, “User” designate all Site users who consult, have attempted to consult or who have consulted any element of any kind whatsoever on an html page, Java applet or other object and/or who access, have attempted to access or have accessed any Service irrespective of the code and/or technology used which is accessible via the Site.
Article 1. Legal details
The Site is published by the company Experis, a simplified stock company with a share capital of 953,559 euros, with a registered address of 15 rue Christian Pauc – 44300 Nantes, registered with the Corporate and Trade Register of Nantes under the number 394 026 934. VAT number: FR 14 394026934
Email address: [email protected]
Telephone: +33 (0)1 58 86 48 80
The Director of the Site Publication is Alain Roumilhac.
The Site is hosted by the company Ellen Coopers, SARL, with a share capital of 41,000 euros, with a registered address of ECF – 102 boulevard de Sébastopol, registered with the Corporate and Trade Register of Paris under the number 790 891 584.
Where applicable, some Services accessible via the Site may be hosted by partners; the contact details for such hosts are available to any User. Experis shall indicate the special nature of these Services on the corresponding pages and/or frames, as applicable.
Article 2. Access to the services
To use the Services, you may be asked to mandatorily and correctly complete certain fields indicated for this purpose on the Site. Experis reserves the right to delete any application with incomplete or erroneous information.
By using the Services, you guarantee you will not download, indicate or publish in any way on the Site any offensive or illegal information or other information of any kind that may breach any rights or harm or threaten any individual’s safety. You are the sole party liable for the information and content you communicate to Experis through these Services and you guarantee the veracity of this information and content which you must ensure remains up-to-date.
To benefit from all the Services, the User acknowledges having the equipment and connection necessary to access the Internet. The corresponding fees are the exclusive responsibility of the User.
Information on Experis Services
The Site allows Users to consult all information concerning Experis and its partners, the services offered by Experis, its business activities and news.
Service Contact
Access to this Service is reserved for Users. This Service allows you to request all types of information based on your needs from us. The communications received in this manner will be communicated to the teams that may best respond.
Article 3. Protected rights
All of the content presented on the Site and via the Services, particularly including but not limited to the architecture, texts, content, photographs, illustrations, videos, applications, etc., is the property of Experis, its technical service providers and/or their beneficiaries.
Accessing the Site grants the User a personal non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use this Site. All other rights, particularly content use rights, are expressly reserved to Experis.
Pursuant to article L.122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, any full or partial representation, reproduction, extraction or exploitation of any element – at the least – of the Site, whether free or for consideration, not expressly authorized by Experis, irrespective of the procedure, is illegal and considered piracy and is punishable under articles L.335-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Experis and the various logos and names present on the Site and platforms accessible via the Site are deposited or protected pursuant to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code and, therefore, any reproduction without prior written authorization from the owner shall also be considered piracy.
Article 4. Browsing
Before connecting to the Site, Users must make sure the browser they use allows access to the Service with, as applicable, a secure configuration. Likewise, before any use of the Services, Users must ensure their browsing history has been cleared to ensure the pages accessible are updated.
Browsing Data
As with many other websites, the Site automatically obtains certain data concerning users such as the internet protocol (IP) address of your computer, the IP address of your Internet service provider, the date and time of Site access, the Internet address of the website from which you are redirected to the Site, the operating system you use, the pages you access as well as the information you post or download from the Site, as applicable. These data may be used to administer the system and improve the Services.
Site Users are hereby informed that during access and use of the Site, information is temporarily stored in the memory or on the hard disk, particularly through cookies.
A cookie is a data file that is stored on your computer and sent to your Internet browser upon visiting a site. Cookies are managed in your computer by your Internet browser.
These cookies collect information on your browsing habits and are used for the following purposes:
- functional statistics,
- audience analysis,
- Site administration,
- easier Site browsing,
- identification and access to the Site Service(s).
Site Users hereby acknowledge they have been informed of this practice and authorize Experis to use it.
The User may reject these cookies by using the confidentiality and/or security options for the particular browser (such as: Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, etc.); rejecting all Site cookies may restrict access to all or some of the features of the Services.
In general, please refer to the Experis cookies management policy available via the “Cookies banner” when you first browse the Site or when you browse the Site for the first time after deleting cookies stored by Experis.
Hypertext Links
Experis may suggest links to third-party sites on the Site. These links are established in accordance with the sites concerned at a time when Experis believed it was appropriate to do so considering the content and services at those sites. Experis will not be liable for the content of any such sites and any use thereof.
The existence of a link on the Site to another site is not to be considered any type of recommendation or approval of said site or content. The User must use this information with caution and judiciously.
Such sites are independent of the Site. Experis does not publish or control the sources and content of such sites or any links to other sites. Links towards these sites in no way imply any approval, validation or endorsement by Experis of the content of those sites or any association between Experis and the owners and/or authors, publishers, designers, animators, managers or hosts of those sites.
Experis will not, therefore, be held liable for the content, products, services, advertising, cookies or any other element of these sites or for any damages or losses, whether proven or alleged, resulting from or related to the use of the information, opinions, services or data available on these sites.
Article 6. Liability
Experis, its shareholders, executives and/or employees will not be liable for any damage whatsoever due to a connection and/or the use of the Site and/or any Service.
Site Content The information and data made available on the Site are provided only for informational purposes and shall not under any circumstance be considered a legal and/or transactional consultation or lead to any liability for Experis.
Under this scope, the Site particularly includes information and data relating to ManpowerGroup news and job offers.
Experis does not guarantee the accessibility, pertinence, up-to-datedness or exhaustiveness of the information disseminated and will not be liable in any way for the information, suggestions or content or for any decisions made based on or influenced by such content or the non-availability of the Site, particularly during maintenance periods.
Please remember the risks inherent to the electronic transfer of information. Delays, omissions and inaccuracies may occur. The information accessible via the Site is provided as is, irrespective of the source.
Confidentiality of Communications via the Internet and Other Networks
To the extent where communications via the Internet and other telecommunications networks (especially during access via any mobile connectivity device) are not by default secure, Experis will not be held liable for any voluntary or involuntary interception by a third party of any message and/or information exchanged between Experis and the User.
The Site is in principle accessible 24/7 except for possible scheduled or non-scheduled interruptions due to maintenance needs, updating or force majeure. Considering it is subject to a “best effort” obligation, Experis will not be liable for any damages, irrespective of the nature thereof, resulting from the non-availability of the Site.
Proof, Storage and Filing
Pursuant to article 1368 of the French Civil Code, the User and Experis shall establish the rules for acceptable proof between them in the event of a dispute and their consideration as conclusive evidence as part of the Services. The following provisions constitute the agreement of proof between the User and Experis.
Digital records kept in the Experis systems with respect to rules of the trade concerning security shall be considered proof of email communications, the sending of registration forms, document downloading, acceptance, subscriptions to services and orders. This information and these documents are filed on a medium that ensures the faithfulness and durability required by the laws in effect. It is hereby agreed that, in the event of a divergence between our digital records and any document in any other format (paper, electronic or other) in your possession, the Experis digital records shall prevail.
Article 7. Personal data
Users are informed and accept that Experis processes personal data relating respectively to the purposes defined below, necessary for the performance of our services. Experis informs site users that personal data they may communicate are processed and can be transmitted to its customers and partners.
For more information on the management of personal data, please refer to the information notices available here.
Article 8. Acceptance and modification of these GTU and disclaimers
Notwithstanding any formal acceptance by you, your access or your use of the Site as a private individual or professional implies your express acceptance without any reservations of these GTU including the stipulations in all disclaimers (“Disclaimers”) relating to personal data management and those applicable to the Services.
If you access or use the Site as a professional, you guarantee to Experis that you hold all rights, authorization and powers needed to accept these GTU on behalf of the company, association, partner or any other legal entity (“Entity”) on behalf of which you use or access the Site. In such case, your access or use of the Site implies express acceptance without any reservations of the GTU including the Disclaimers by this Entity.
If you do not agree with any of the provisions of these GTU/Disclaimers, you should not use the Site or the Services provided by Experis in this manner.
Experis may modify the GTU and Disclaimers at any time. The effective date of the GTU is indicated at the top of the document. Experis recommends you periodically review them, especially each time you provide personal information. Thus, you hereby acknowledge and accept that your use of the Site and its Services or simply your access to them after the date of any modifications implies your acceptance of the updated GTU and Disclaimers.