Social Responsability
Experis is committed to sustainable development and CSR as real levers of social and economic performance.
Social Responsability
This business strategy is transferred each day to our clients, partners and associates through commitments aimed at fostering diversity, fighting discrimination, developing our employees’ skills, health and safety, promoting business ethics and limiting our impact on the environment.
Convinced that diversity is a strength, our teams have always promoted equal treatment, equal opportunities and the fight against all forms of employment-related discrimination.
Pursuant to the French decree on the application and calculation of the Gender Equality Index, as published in the Official French Gazette on 9 January 2019 – as part of the freedom to choose one’s future career – Experis has taken the steps to measure this index, receiving a score of 93/100 for the year 2019.
As a responsible and committed employer, Experis views gender equality as a cornerstone of its Human Resources policy. Although the score received of 93/100 reflects Experis’s years-long commitment in this area, the company aims to pursue ongoing improvement in professional equality and promotion as real performance levers.
Combining social and economic performance all while giving everyone an opportunity, including those with atypical backgrounds, also means allowing everyone to find their own place within the company by implementing real support actions adapted to each person’s needs as well as our clients’ demands.
Our ethics revolve around a reference document outlining the main principles linking Experis to its employees, associates, clients, suppliers and partners. Regular training is organized for our associates so they can fully understand and comply with the company’s code of ethics. A channel was created to report any non-compliant behaviours in the following areas: finance, accounting, banking, corruption, anti-competition practices.
Health & Safety
Under the specific legal framework for our activities, the role of our Safety policy is to implement the necessary resources to meet our obligations in people safety and design solutions aimed at enhancing, unifying and guaranteeing the safety of all personnel at our agencies and clients’ facilities.
Experis has defined four major principles under its environmental policy:
- Promoting green IT solutions internally and externally through our clients
- Managing and tracking all consumption
- Spreading awareness among employees of their role in adopting good habits and attitudes
- Reducing and revalorizing waste
Our CSR Assesments
As a way to reinforce its responsibility towards its stakeholders, the Experis General Management voluntarily submitted its CSR policy to two non-financial assessments.
EcoVadis :
Experis received 63/100 in 2019 (vs 56 points previously), which reflects its work to continuously improve. Four main areas were evaluated: environmental issues, social issues, business ethics and responsible procurement. Experis is ranked among the top 9% companies with the best scores worldwide.
With 87 out of 100 points, Experis scores above average for sector companies (45 points).